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Saturday, December 5, 2009 @ 7:27 PM
● unleash your inner emo...

@ 5:47 AM
● it's alive!!!!!!!!!

yay! finally another post! thanks joanne!! i also wanna see you lah! but i just saw you on skype... so... i DID actaully see, but not face to face.. :P hey! how come every one can't post here?????

Wednesday, December 2, 2009 @ 3:55 AM

hualala~~~ ^^
Joanne here (:
like the blogskin?
i didnt knw what blogskin to use at first thn I remember that we all like SUPER JUNIOR!

anyway, goin back tmr mornin'...
super early flight~ need to wake up at 4 plus am.. = =
estimated to reach sin at 12pm (:
i bought a lot pao mian, about 8 packets! hahas (:
wo hao xiang zao dian kan dao ni men! (L)

Tuesday, November 17, 2009 @ 6:32 AM
● about that SuJu picture

hey why isn't KiBum in there... ye sung's hair looks faaarnie!!! hehe :D

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Monday, November 16, 2009 @ 12:57 AM
● email time~

check your emails guys! i have just resent the author's privelages to everyone! so hopefully you'll all be able to post here soon!

Saturday, November 14, 2009 @ 10:17 PM
● thanksgiving

in this post i would want to thank god for all that's good in my life:
1. parents

i can't explain this feeling, but i feel so comfortable and so secure when my parents are around. no matter how careful you are or how independent you are, when they're around you, there is this sense of wholesomeness, this sense of reliability. i am definitely grateful to be able to experience such a feeling, i would rather be smothered in my mom's love than to not have it at all, and sometimes when i think about this, i feel so sad for those who don't have the opportunity to feel this irreplaceable love and care. but to everyone who may read this, feeling sad for them is different from pitying them, feeling sorry shows that you understand and sympathize for their situation, pitying is... it is... in a way, looking down upon someone. okay that may not make sense, but pity just doesn't make the receiving party feel good, and if they don't feel good, then you won't feel good too, i know i won't.

2. siblings

thank you thank you thank you god for the most supportive and understanding siblings that a girl would ever dream of. to have the same blood running through our veins, i am truly honored. they... they understand me better than most, i don't know if its the same DNA of something, but it's just something there that will make anything click within us. we get each other. thank you cheh[s] and kor! i more than three you!

3. stuff
what can i say? i am just so blessed.

chenny over and out

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Friday, November 13, 2009 @ 7:52 AM
● freedom from me? freedom from you? whoever you are...?

since my other blog is now locked and no one except myself can access it, i will be posting some public posts here for you girls to check out. anyways, the streaming results are out already, and now more than ever, i finally feel the actual fact that we are not going to be in the same classes next year. its sort of like MJ's death, you know that he's dead but sometimes you just don't accept it and it's almost as if he's still here, but mentally you know otherwise, of course. so anyways, i just wanted to say a final goodbye to being in the same class as you girls. i feel that 2 years is definitely not enough to get to know someone. as in really get to know not just a"hi, bye" kinda thing. that's why i don't know many of you thaaat well yet, you know what i mean, i know you, we hang out and all, but do i really understand who you are and what you are feeling? I'm not so sure about that. all i can say now is that the past is the past and all we can do is to move on and if we didn't get to know each other well in these two years maybe we can get to know each other better in the years to come, we're still young, we're still in the same school, time's a plenty! but i can't help but feel a acute sense of wasted effort and feelings, but then again, all of this may just be me being a drama queen. no i don't think so. do you? do you even understand what I'm trying to say here? is my point getting across. ha ha, i don't even think i have a point. on the other hand, what is teen hood without its share of melodramatics and bad poetry? i can tell you, it will be quite empty without these two points, and also pretty meaningless. as are a lot of other things in life, i'm not pretending to be all wise and stuff, but i just have this gut feeling, this raw, untapped instinct that this is all pretty meaningless. don't bother to read till the end i tell you. stop right here! go no further! all there is left of these pointless shitty ramblings in disguise as a loving post has absolutely no significance anymore. and if any of you say, "wah chenny, why you so emo ah?", i will simply reply, "to tell you the truth, i have always been so emo, its jsut a metter if i want to show it or not."
so there. thanks for these two years
i will...
not forget them
that's for sure

chenny over and out


SUPER Tanker!
Che Shuyi.
Chua Chen Wei.
Jewel Wee.
Joanne Wang.
Lapat Leong.
Aye Mon.
Qiu Yicen.



Joanne Jewel Chenny



designer: HEEMAINE
basecodes: !lovebites
Image done in photoshop CS2